However, as you can see the instructions are all in Czech. So I still haven't figured out what my phone number is. It took It took me a good 20 minutes to get the menus etc on the phone switched to English. I was starting to worry that I'd be stuck with the Czech. I'd learn it eventually of course. (Wink!) But I do have my groovy new EuroPhone so now I should be able to coordinate with people a bit easier.
But in order to not be a bad stereotype I've started trying to learn Czech.
I got this program that uses flash card type thingies and a dude over-enunciating the Czech words so that you get to hear the words and see how they correspond with the spelling. I'm working on numbers right now. This card is for Twenty One. I's really not as hard as it looks.
I've also gotten some teaching materials at the English Library. I still don't really know what level the students have reached so I got these intermediate level deals.
Ahoj "Ahoy" for now. Oh yeah this is hello and goodbye or more like Hi and See ya later. It's kinda cool. Their word for Attention is Avast. So you get to feel all nautical and piratey. Loads of fun.
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