This class is much less talkative than my other classes so I've got to have a really big bag of tricks. I downloaded a couple podcasts with funny stories that I can play for them and pause for questions and vocabulary. I have no idea if it will work but it was great fun listening to them.
First up was This American Life it's an NPR show and therefor a bit lefty but it's still a quality show. The latest episode has a bunch of verbal histories recorded by Studs Terkel about The Great Depression. It's fascinating to hear the old cadences and speech patterns of folks from that time.
This got me surfing around for podcasts on iTunes. I'd rather not be a shill for Apple but there's so much cool stuff on there! I found a podcast of Hardcore History that talks about how different the world would be if things went differently in 1066 among other cool speculative stuff. 
That lead me to an Ancient & Medieval History podcast with Beowulf and other super cool stuff that I can nerd out on for hours and hours. If I'm lucky I may get some use out of these for my classes but if not it's still worth it.
That lead me to an Ancient & Medieval History podcast with Beowulf and other super cool stuff that I can nerd out on for hours and hours. If I'm lucky I may get some use out of these for my classes but if not it's still worth it.
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