OK so I know I've been a big slacker with the blog and this isn't really that much of an update but I just had to put this up. I don't know of any kid who didn't love this book. And this movie, at least from the trailer looks exactly like the book come to life in our world.
Well I supposed I should tell you guys a little something about what's going on here. I'm having a great time in Plzen. I love Czech Republic and have made some really great friends here. I'm thinking of maybe staying longer if I can find a job. I figure the way things are back home it might be easier to find one here. But I'm working on it so we'll see.
Also tomorrow I'm going back to Dublin! Yay! This time Deidre is coming too. I think she may even let me take her picture now.
So it's still cold here. That's maybe the only real bummer. It's been snowing the last couple days. But I'm used to it now so no big deal. Anyway I'll see if I have some good pictures of stuff since I've come back.
I've started doing some climbing now. This is Honza showing me how to tie the rope so you don't fall. And here's from a night we went out for a hike to an old mine. It was closed off unfortunately so we just went and goofed around.
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